The Crediton Operatic & Drama Society, better known as CODS, has been an integral part of town life for more than 50 years.Although all performances are on hold at the moment, planning for future shows continues, as long-standing CODS member Mike Palmer explains.

As it says on our logo, CODS has been performing in Crediton since 1965. Initially the Society was formed to stage the works of Gilbert and Sullivan, and the very first show, HMS Pinafore, was performed in 1965 at the Shelly School (now QE Lower) at the extravagant cost of £182!

A look at just a selection of our shows over the last few years shows the range of productions CODS now stages for our Crediton audiences: Made in Dagenham, The Witches of Eastwick, Carousel, Back to the 60’s (concerts), The Vagina Monologues, A Bunch of Amateurs and The Aladdin Magical Lamp. That’s a fair cross section of different kinds of entertainment. There is hopefully something for everyone to enjoy from musicals and plays to concerts and pantomime.

This also means we are busy the whole year round. As one production finishes the next begins, indeed sometimes overlaps. Some members like to perform in musicals, some in plays and some in concerts. Many members perform in all three. In addition we have members who prefer the staging of events, and their contribution is so important. Not a lot can happen without their considerable efforts.

In this strange Covid world we are currently not able to take forward any of our activities. But the planning continues and as soon as possible we hope to stage our next concert season The Best of British. There is a panto in the planning stages and we are well advanced with our musical Sister Act. This was to have been staged in April 2020 but is now scheduled for April 2021.
CODS always welcomes new members. If you want to sing, dance, act or indeed all three, we’d love to hear from you. If your talents lie with stage craft, lighting, costume etc you are more than welcome to come and work in these areas.
To look at some of the things we have done over the years visit our YouTube channel.
You can keep in touch with us through our Facebook.
At the time of writing our website was down. The URL is and hopefully it will be up and running again soon for further information.